Saudi Arabia – Jeddah and Riyadh

+966 500 778 322

+966 575 301 791

Anan Revelation

Calibration Solutions Help All Engineers with More Accurate Results, and To reach precision.

جميع خدمات المعايرة والصيانة الوقائية التي تحتاجها لمعدات وأدوات الاختبار الخاصة بك لضمان إمكانية الحصول على الجودة لنتائج المعدات الطبية الحيوية والصناعية.

All the calibration and preventive maintenance services you need for your test equipment and tools to ensure the traceability of quality for the results of biomedical and industrial .

كل ماتحتاجه من خدمات معايرة وصيانة الوقائية لأجهزة وأدوات والمعدات الاختبار الخاصة بك لضمان استمرارية الجودة لنتائج اختبارت وفحص وقياس دقيقة لسلامة أجهزتك الطبية والصناعية

Our Services خدماتنا المقدمة

What Service We Offer ماذا نقدم لخدمتكم

Calibration Services Solutions Scope of Work
نطاق عمل حلول خدمات المعايرة

Electrical​ Test Instruments

أجهزة  ومعدات قياس الكهرباء

Biomedical Test Equipment 

أجهزة القياس للقسم الهندسة الطبية

​Laboratory Test Equipment  

أجهزة ومعدات المختبر

​Industrial Equipment  

أجهزة ومعدات المصانع

Temperature​ & Humidity 

أجهزة قياس الحرارة والرطوبة

Calibration Services Solutions for Test Equipment and Tools
حلول خدمات المعايرة لمعدات وأدوات الاختبار القياس

Calibration-certified test equipment keeps the healthcare providers and industrial sector more assure of using the medical equipment in the healthcare entity and factory production . We are working on calibration as per the standard ISO 17025/2017

Network Management and Converge Region

إدارة الشبكات وتغطية المناطق داخل المملكة العربية السعودية

We are Covering All Saudi Arabia Regions and Cities

نحن نغطي جميع مناطق ومدن المملكة العربية السعودية

  • Western Region المنطقة الغربية
  • Eastern Region المنطقة الشرقية
  • Central Region المنطقة الوسطى
  • Northern Region المنطقة الشمالية
  • Southern Region المنطقة الجنوبية
About Us

The Easiest Way to Manage calibration and preventive maintenance for test equipment and tools when you have a perfect professional team.

We are ambitious youth from a new generation who have an unlimited vision, with several experiences and different backgrounds, we met up to make revaluation in a new concept of

periodic preventive maintenance and calibration for all laboratory equipment, biomedical engineering, radiology devices and industrial factory equipment, especially in the healthcare sector for quality assurance in equipment from Anan Engineering’s perspective, we are working to make sure all result is perfect and precision for test equipment by validation, verification, and calibration. 

The mission of Anan Calibration Lab is to promote KSA innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. To help meet the measurement and standards needs of KSA industry and the nation, Anan Calibration Lab provides calibrations, standard reference materials, standard reference data, test methods, proficiency evaluation materials, tools that facilitate the evaluation of measurement uncertainty, measurement quality assurance programs, and laboratory accreditation services that assist a customer in establishing traceability of measurement results.

Meteorological traceability requires the establishment of an unbroken chain of calibrations to specified reference standards: typically national or international standards, in particular realizations of the measurement units of the International System of Units (SI). Anan Calibration Lab assures the traceability to the SI, or to other specified standards, of measurement results that Anan Calibration Lab itself provides, either directly or through an official Anan Calibration Lab program or collaboration. Other organizations are responsible for establishing the traceability of their own results to those of Anan Calibration Lab or other specified references. Anan Calibration Lab has adopted this policy statement to document the Anan Calibration Lab role with respect to traceability.

  • Vision and Mission
    • Our Vision
    • To create a revolution in calibration at biomedical engineering technology with the biggest researches and developments at the specialty to be a reference globally.
    • إحداث ثورة في عالم المعايرة و الهندسة الطبية الحيوية مع أكبر الأبحاث والتطورات في التخصص لتكون مرجعاً عالمياً
    • Our Mission
    • ​To support the healthcare and industrial business using the equipment safely by credible, trustable, and precision on quality services and products.
    • دعم الأعمال في الرعاية الصحية والصناعية باستخدام المعدات بأمان من خلال خدمات ومنتجات ذات جودة موثوقة وموثوقة ودقيقة.

Qashgari’s Philosophy Quotes

  لصناعة الإبداع يجب معايرة الأهداف ” المهندس قشقري

For Creativity, goals must be calibrated “Eng.Qashgari

We make digital moments that will
make your life more efficient

أجهزة الهندسة الطيبة

Biomedical Test Equipment and Tools Devices

أجهزة قياس الأشعة

Radiology Test Equipment and Tools Devices

أجهزة المختبر

Laboratory Equipment and Tools Devices

Online Services

متابعة شهادات المعايرة على موقعك الخاص المصصم من قبلنا

Web Designer to archive your Calibration Certificate with Notification

Industrial and Factory
أجهزة القياس داخل المصانع

Industrial Equipment and Tools Devices

Supply Chain &
استلام وتوصيل

Our Team ready to pick-up and delivery your tolls and devices

نطاق العمل (المعايرة)

Scope of Work (Calibration)  

Scope of Work (Calibration)  

The calibration services of the Anan Calibration Lab are designed to help the makers and users of precision instruments achieve the highest possible levels of measurement quality and productivity. The Anan Calibration Lab Quality System for Measurement Services is based on the ISO/IEC 17025 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories)

Metrology is the science of measurement and its application. Anan Calibration Lab works in metrology and focuses on advancing measurement science to enhance economic security and improve quality of life. Almost all of Anan Calibration Lab research has a metrology component to it. Anan Calibration Lab metrology-related resources and activities include calibrations, standard reference materials, standard reference data, test methods, proficiency evaluation materials, tools that facilitate the evaluation of measurement uncertainty, measurement quality assurance programs, and laboratory accreditation services that assist customers in establishing traceability of measurement results. A key component of Anan Calibration Lab metrology work is metrological traceability, which requires the establishment of an unbroken chain of calibrations to specified reference measurement standards: typically national or international standards, in particular realizations of the measurement units of the International System of Units (SI).


خبرة أكثر من

Year Of Experience


تم إنجاز أكثر من

Calibration Completed


تقيمنا لدى رضى العملاء

Satisfied Customers


تم تغطية أكثر من

Coverage of Cities
معايرة جميع أجهزة القياس لقسم الهندسة الطبية لتغطية أجهزة قياس غرفة العمليات الجراحية والعناية المركزة وأقسام الطوارئ والعيادات الخارجية وأقسام التعقيم وأقسام الأشعة وجميع أجهزة القياس داخل المنشأة الصحية
Calibration of all test measuring devices for the biomedical Engineering Department to cover surgical operating room testing and measuring devices, intensive care, emergency departments, outpatient clinics, sterilization departments, radiology departments, and all testing and measuring devices within the health facility.

​Biomedical Test Equipment 

أجهزة القياس للقسم الهندسة الطبية

  1. Calibration of Electrical Safety Analyzer.
  2. Calibration of Electrical Surgical-Unit Analyzer.
  3. Calibration of Defibrillator Analyzer.
  4. Calibration of Patient Simulator / ECG Simulator / NIBP Analyzer. 
  5. Calibration of Infusion Pump Analyzer.
  6. Calibration of Gas Flow Analyzer.
  7. Calibration of Incubator Analyzer. 
  8. Calibration of Photo-therapy Radiometer.
  9. Calibration of Medical Gas Analyzer ( O2, CO2, CO, N2O, and H2S)
  10.  Calibration of Digital Pressure Meter. 
  11.  Calibration of Laser Power Meter.
  12.  Calibration of Radiology Test Equipment.
  13. Calibration of Particle Counter.

​Laboratory Test Equipment  

أجهزة ومعدات المختبر

  1. Calibration of Pipette.
  2. Calibration of Balance.
  3. Calibration of Weight.
  4. Calibration of Lab Incubator.
  5. Calibration of Centrifuge.
  6. Calibration of Shaker.
  7. Calibration of Vortex Mixer.
  8. Calibration of Autoclave.
  9. Calibration of Biological Safety Cabinet.
Calibration of measuring instruments for laboratory equipment
معايرة أجهزة القياس لمعدات المختبر
معايرة جميع أجهزة القياس لأقسام الكهرباء في جميع المجالات الصناعية والمقاولات وجميع أقسام
.الكهرباء في كل المجالات ,اجهزة الضغط وأجهزة القياس الفيزيائية
Calibration of all measuring devices for electrical departments in all industrial and contracting fields and all electrical departments in all fields, pressure devices and physical measuring devices.

Electrical​ and Pressures Test Instruments  

أجهزة  ومعدات قياس الكهرباء وأجهزة قياس الضغط

  1. Calibration of Multimeter.
  2. Calibration of Clamp Meter.
  3. Calibration of Multi-function Process Calibrator.
  4. Calibration of Power Supply. 
  5. Calibration of Ammeter.
  6. Calibration of Voltmeter.
  7. Calibration of Tachometer. 
  8.  Calibration of Digital Pressure Meter. 
  9. Calibration of Clipper.
  10. Calibration of Airflow Meter.
  11. Calibration of Velocity Meter.
  12. Calibration of Sound Meter / Noise Level Meter.

Temperature​ & Humidity Test Equipment  

أجهزة قياس الحرارة والرطوبة

  1. Calibration of Thermometer.
  2. Calibration of Thermocouple Sensor.
  3. Calibration of RTD Sensor.
  4. Calibration of Temperature Recorder.
  5. Calibration of Temperature Indicators.
  6. Calibration of Infrared Thermometer.
  7. Calibration of Humidity.
  8. Calibration of Humidity Recorder.
  9. Calibration of Negative Pressure Meter.
Calibration of measuring instruments for temperatures and humidity
معايرة أجهزة القياس الحرارة والرطوبة

الشركاء الاستراتيجيون للتعلم المستمر مع أكاديمية عنان

Strategic Partnerships for continuous Learning with Anan Academy

Saudi Scientific Society of Biomedical Engineering


King Abdul-Aziz University


LinkedIn Learning

Only for Anan & Drayaa Team

Contact us تواصلوا معنا

Frequently Asked Questions

الأسئلة الشائعة

How do I book your services?كيف يتم حجز وعمل خدمة المعايرة ؟
Call our team and share your test tools and devices details. We will create a comprehensive plan and quotation for your requirements.

How can I manage my service requests?هل بالإمكان إدارة طلبات الخدمة للمعايرة ؟
Our online request management system has an efficient “Service Requests” section that you (or we) can manage with ease. or Our team will visit/call you to serve you to close your calibration task.

Can I got the pick-up and drop services after booking?هل بالإمكان طلب خدم الاستلام والتسليم لعمل خدمة المعايرة ؟
Yes, you can and feel free to contact us and we’ll do our best to book slot for your next calibration with pick-up and drop service.

How does payment work?ماهي شروط الدفع المبالغ للخدمة ؟
We require a 100% advance payment with PO or Walk-in to the Lab to process the calibration services for you.

What is the different between the calibration and PPM ?ماهو الفرق بين المعايرة والصيانة الوقائية ؟
Calibration is : When using a measuring instrument, results need to be accurate and precise. Regular calibration is important to detect, correlate, report or eliminate by adjustment, any discrepancy in accuracy of the instrument when compared to the reference. Service documentation and Calibration certificates are provided that meet industry standards.
PPM is : Preventive Maintenance helps instrument Uptime, Performance, and Compliance to meet quality and regulatory standards. Through on-going scheduled maintenance, productivity is improved by reducing the need for “on-demand” service, therefore reducing instrument downtime.

Got more concerns? هل لديك مزيد من التساؤلات

Anan’s services team will be ready to answer you within 24/48 hours

فريق خدمة العملاء من عنان جاهزون لخدمتكم والرد على استفساراتكم خلال 24/48 ساعة

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